Fcat administration manual

Administration and Security Agreement (Appendix C of the FCAT Writing Manual). All test administrators and proctors must be informed of their duties and all applicable security procedures and policies. Administration of FCAT Assessments Testing Accommodations for English Language Learners (ELLs) are required by the State Consent Decree and civil rights laws in accordance with equal access provisions to educational programs, services and activities. Beginning in January , the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) has provided testing. This manual updates the Guide to FCAT and FCAT Accommodations for Students with Disabilities () and the Guide to Accommodations for Computer-Based FCAT, FCAT , and End of Course (EOC) Assessments (Spring, ) published by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE).

66 Spring FCAT SSS Writing Test Administration Manual Appendix A Test Accommodations Signed or oral presentation may be provided as many times as a student requests for all directions and items other than reading passages and items. Writing prompt: The test administrator may sign or read aloud the writing prompt (topic) on the writing test. professional test administration procedures, as outlined in the administration manual, program guides, and training materials provided by the test publishers, the state, and/or the district, and for ensuring that any violations of test administration and/or security procedures are reported appropriately and in a timely manner. Accommodations FCAT Test Administration Manual—Describes procedures for FCAT administration, including roles and responsibilities of District Coordinators of Assessment, School Coordinators of Assessment, and Test.

Administration of FCAT Assessments. Testing Accommodations for English test administration manual for administration of the test to non-ELL students. Spring/Summer FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual Grades 4 10/Retake ELA Reading Grades 5 8 Mathematics End-of-Course Assessments. Changed from academy Policies to 'FCAT policies' Ref FCAT Attendance Management Policy Manual Handling (including lifting and carrying).


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